For Orange Press
Iben, 22 (background): “The best thing about being at a festival with your girlfriend is having one another, but it's also the worst. Because when you have each other, you also feel that you have a responsibility. I'm wondering if Mathilde is doing well”.
Mathilde, 23 (front): “It can be tough to be at a festival. I can feel a little vulnerable and it can be hard to accommodate being a place where there is so much going on and where there is a clear expectation that you should be happy. If you experience not being happy, then it can be hard to mirror the expectations here, and it can be alienating. That's why I'm glad Iben is here because she knows how I feel. And I know I can come to Iben if I have a hard time.
This is the second year we are at Roskilde Festival together. Last year we lived in a tent just the two of us. This year we live in each of our camps. I need tranquillity and a place to go where there is not a party all the time. I don't think I would be able to endure being in Ibens camp, even if we were there together”.
Iben: “I live with one of my friends' college friends. They are quite a party. It's a bit crazy. There was one that happened to shit in the camp yesterday.
When we are alone in the tent, we are just the two of us. Then it is almost like being at home and we talk as if we were at home. Did you remember to buy toilet paper? Is there more pasta in the closet?”
Iben and Mathilde have been together for two years.
Roskilde Fesitvial is the biggest music and art festival in Northern Europe with 130,000 visitors with an average age of 24. The festival goes on for seven days. Roskilde Festival, Denmark, 5 July 2019